What is See Me?
The SEE ME team is an international, multidisciplinary consortium consisting of 3 research centres and 3 professional organisations: the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium), University of Humanistic Studies (The Netherlands), University of Molise (Italy), Büro für berufliche Bildungsplanung (Germany), Matia Gerontological Institute (Spain), and Foundation of Active Ageing (The Netherlands). Furthermore, 6 associated partners are involved within the project.
The project aims:
- To improve the quality of care and social inclusion for older adults (with an additional focus on older adults with a migration background or poor financial situations).
- To increase competencies of different groups of caregivers (volunteers, informal and formal caregivers) and trainers of carers to provide quality care to older adults with a focus on social inclusion through meaningful ageing.
To challenge the stereotypes of older adults by training people to see the talents and strengths of the oldest citizens.
Competencies of caregivers should be innovated to “SEE older adults”:
- SEE the older adult behind the client,
- SEE care as something more than physical and medical care, and SEE social and meaningful care,
- SEE the positive talents and dreams of older adults, not only their needs.
The goal is to develop a transnational training toolkit.
This will be developed, implemented, tested, evaluated and adapted during the project in the 6 associated partners, both in residential and the community project:
Compartijn and September Care (The Netherlands), Don Carlo Pistilli (Italy), Grafschafter Diakonie (Germany), Het BuurtPensioen (Belgium), Stichting Humanitas Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and Grandes Amigos (Spain).