The SEE ME project will develop new learning and training materials for carers (informal and formal), volunteers and trainers of carers to improve the quality of care and social inclusion for older adults and to increase competencies of different groups of caregivers (volunteers, informal and formal caregivers) and trainers of carers to provide quality care to older adults with a focus on social inclusion through meaningful ageing.
Prof. dr. Sarah Dury Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Belgium Expertise: Volunteering, participation
Prof. dr. Liesbeth De Donder Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Belgium Expertise: Caring Communities
Dr.Daan Duppen Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Belgium Expertise: Meaning in life and quality care
Prof. dr. Anja Machielse University of Humanistic Studies (Utrecht) The Netherlands Expertise: Social needs, meaning in life, social resilience
Dr. Wander van der Vaart University of Humanistic Studies (Utrecht) The Netherlands Expertise: Ageing well, methodology, and data collection
Dieter Zisenis Büro für Berufliche Bildungsplanung, Germany Expertise: Age friendly communities, social inclusion, active ageing
Rosemarie Klein Büro für Berufliche Bildungsplanung, Germany Expertise: Age friendly communities, social inclusion, active ageing
Julia Thissen Büro für Berufliche Bildungsplanung, Germany Expertise: Empowerment, social spatial social work
Dr. Alvaro Garicia Matia Gerontological Institute, Madrid, Spain Expertise: Behaviour and cognition in the older people
Dr. Sara Marsillas Matia Gerontological Institute, Madrid, Spain Expertise: Active ageing, co-creation methodologies
Prof. dr. Maurice De Greef Foundation Active Ageing The Netherlands Expertise: Adult education, Lifelong Learnning, Impact and succes factors of learning.
Prof. dr. Tinie Kardol Foundation Active Ageing The Netherlands Expertise: Factors that influence ageing
Prof. dr. Daniela Grignoli University of Molise, Campo Basso, Italy Expertise: Ageing well, methodology, and data collection
Prof. dr. Margherita Di Paolo University of Molise, Campo Basso, Italy Expertise: EU-funded projects
Associated partners
>> Don Carlo PistilliI Italy >> Grandes Amigos I Spain >> Het Buurt Pensioen I Belgium >> Grafschafter Diakonie I Germany >> Compartijn and September Care I The Netherlands >> Stichting Humanitas Rotterdam I The Netherlands